Power of Shungite: Benefits, History, and Spiritual Connections

Shungite, a powerful ancient stone, is renowned for its remarkable ability to purify, protect, and ground, making it a cornerstone of both physical and spiritual well-being.

Benefits of Shungite

  • Detoxification & Purification: Shungite is known for its powerful ability to purify water and detoxify the body by absorbing and neutralizing harmful substances.
  • EMF Protection: It's widely believed to protect against electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from electronic devices, creating a protective barrier.
  • Healing & Rejuvenation: Shungite is said to have rejuvenating properties, aiding in physical healing and boosting overall energy levels.
  • Emotional Balance: This stone is thought to help balance emotions, reduce stress, and promote a sense of calm and well-being.
  • Spiritual Growth: Shungite is often used in meditation to enhance spiritual growth and connect with higher realms of consciousness.


  • Composition: Shungite is a unique, carbon-rich stone composed primarily of fullerenes, a specific molecular form of carbon.
  • Formation: It is a metamorphic rock formed over two billion years ago, typically found in the Karelia region of Russia.
  • Types: Shungite comes in several forms, with Elite or Noble Shungite being the most potent and purest, containing a higher carbon content.


  • Ancient Uses: Shungite has been used for centuries, particularly in Russia, where it was historically used to purify water and treat various ailments.
  • Modern Discovery: The scientific community recognised Shungites unique properties in the late 20th century, leading to increased interest in its potential benefits.
  • Cultural Significance: In Russian history, Shungite was used by Peter the Great in the early 1700s to create healing spas, recognising its health-enhancing properties.

Chakra Connection:

  • Root Chakra (Muladhara): Shungite is most commonly associated with the Root Chakra. It helps ground energy, creating a solid foundation for physical and spiritual well-being.
  • Earth Star Chakra: It is also linked to the Earth Star Chakra, which lies below the feet and is connected to grounding energies and the Earth's vibrations.

Zodiac Connection:

  • Scorpio: Shungite resonates strongly with Scorpio, enhancing its transformative energies and aiding in personal growth and emotional balance.
  • Capricorn: Capricorns may also find Shungite beneficial, as it supports their natural tendencies toward structure, grounding, and resilience.

Element Connection:

  • Earth: Shungite is deeply connected to the Earth element, symbolising grounding, stability, and physical well-being. Its earthy energy helps individuals stay rooted and connected to the physical world while exploring spiritual growth.

Step-by-Step Guide: Creating Your Own Shungite Water

We have had so many people asking how to make Shungite Water, the benefits are amazing! So, here is a easy, 3-step tutorial just for you!

Why Shungite Water?

Shungite has phenomenal, natural filtration properties and is useful for more than just using in water. It is also known to help balance your Root Chakra, keeping you grounded, as well as helping to detoxify and purify the body and mind. With all these incredible properties, why would you not want to drink Shungite water?

What you will need:

  • 90g Shungite Petroski
  • 10g Shungite Elite
  • Glass or Ceramic Bowl
  • 1Ltr Jug/Vessel Glass or Ceramic
  • Washing up liquid

We have put together this Shungite Water Kit featuring everything you will need for only £20.

How to make Shungite Water: 

1) Clean Shungite

Place your Shungite in a dish, add a small amount of washing up liquid to degrease and clean your Shungite. You'll know it's ready when all loose debris has been removed.

2) Add Shungite to water

Start by rinsing your Shungite under water, then place it in a ceramic or glass bowl. Fill the bowl with tap water, ensuring the Shungite is fully submerged, and let it sit for up to two hours. You might notice some loose black carbon in the water—don’t worry, you won’t be drinking this (but your plants will thank you for it)!

After the two hours are up, we'll rinse and repeat this step until the water runs clear—this might take up to six hours, but it’s totally worth it!

3) Maintenance

Your Shungite needs to be charged and re-cleaned on a regular basis. Rinse the Shungite stones every 1-2 weeks to keep them clean and recharge them in sunlight regularly, I love wrapping mine in a tea cloth and leaving on my lawn for a couple days. The added benefit is your lawn will love you!

Tips and Myth Busting

Great news—there’s no need to toss out your Shungite and start fresh each time! You can keep reusing it as long as you follow step 3 and cleanse it regularly.

Making large batches of Shungite water? No problem! Just follow the same steps and pour yourself a glass when you’re ready.

Shungite is completely safe, with amazing natural filtration properties—so much so that even top water filter brands use it.

And those bubbles in the water? They’re a sign that the Shungite is doing its job!

Enjoy your freshly filtered water—it’s incredibly delicious, and once you try it, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner!

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